Ecotrackers- Corredor de etno-biodiversidad Galapagos-Sangay-Cutucú al Río Amazonas

Este es un blog para registrar las experiencias de los voluntarios de Ecotrackers, en la construccion del CORREDOR DE BIODIVERSIDAD MAS IMPORTANTE DEL MUNDO de Galápagos al Río Amazonas por el Río Morona. Que empezó en el año 2002. (This blog is for registering the experiences of Ecotrackers volunteers, with regards to the construction of the MOST IMPORTANT CORRIDOR OF BIODIVERSITY IN THE WORLD- from the Galapagos to the Amazon River through Rio Morona, which began in the year 2002.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Volunteers and students invited by Ecotrackers to participate in the Navitagation by The Amazonas River to World Movilization in Belem

1.- Lacy Smith:>:
Helo Lacy
May be ...Are you interested to organize a group of your classmates or other students to travel with us by the Morona and Amazonas River to participate in world mobilization in Belem on 26 of January organized by World Social Forum, We start the travel 24 of December 2007.

Best regards


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