My experience with Shuar Shaman by Natalia Tomalack
My experience with Shuar Shaman and natural medicine took place in Santa Ines between 18th and 25th of January. I stayed with a family of Rafael Shakay whose grandfather was a well known Shaman. Rafael himself is not a Shaman but has knowledge of the medicinal plants and shamanic rituals. There are other members of his family - his uncles that are Shamans.
The Shaman in Santa Ines is a young man, that is for shamans, at 42 years old. He lived and practiced shamanism in Tena for many years. Now he just returned to Santa Ines and does not have his sacred place yet. He was chosen to become a Shaman by his father-shaman when he was 5 years old. As he was interested in that, old Shuar shamans started to teach him the techniques, rituals and medicinal plants. He needed 12 years to purify his body by using a special diet, not having relationships with women and many others restrictions that were strictly ordered by the old shaman. It is the shaman-teacher who decides when an adept is ready to move forward. Future shamans in order to become like their teachers have to undertake many trials of hallucinogenic drinks of different strength. The resistance of the body and soul has to be very high so when dealing with negative energy they can recuperate and will not be affected.
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